Calligraphy Collection of the Holy Name “Allah”

27 Different Islamic Calligraphies of Allah

Throughout History


مجموعة الخط من الاسم المقدس “الله”

خ۲۷خطًا إسلاميًا مختلفًا لكلمة الله عبر التاريخ

Description of the Collection

As following you can see a unique calligraphy collection of the holy name “Allah” throughout history. Started from ancient Arabic script (the 9th century BC – 2300 years ago), Hijazi Calligraphy during Early Islam (7th century AC and 1st Century of Hijra), Early Kufic Calligraphy (2nd and 3rd century AH /8th-9th century AC) and throughout 1400 years Islamic history until present time. Totally 27 main Islamic calligraphies and scripts from different geographical regions of the Islamic world.
This unique collection shows the heritage and diversity of Islamic calligraphy and its development throughout history.

3D view of “ALLAH” Collection

Min. and Max. sizes of all 27 sculptures are between:

30cm (L) x 40cm (H) x 5cm(W) and 50cm (L) x 80cm (H) x 10cm(W)

Material: Stainless Steel 304 / Electroplating

Allah Collection in Small Sizes
as Jewellery Design

As you can see the following 7 small size samples, we can also convert all 27 designs from the Allah collection (bigger size) into a jewellery collection in small sizes. In cooperation with your designers, we can even improve or update these initial designs to make them more luxurious and precious to meet jewellery lover’s requirements.

Arabic Name Collection

We can also design on demand any Arabic name in different Arabic calligraphy. As follow you can see a few samples. We can write one name or the combination of two names together (name of wife and husband, mother and father etc.)

Holy Quran Verses Collection

Another nice Islamic collection which we can design is about holy verses of Holy Quran. On demand our calligraphers can write and design any holy verse in different Islamic calligraphy. As follow you can see a few samples.

وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَن تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْل

Modern Thuluth Calligraphy

حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيل

Modern Thuluth Calligraphy

رَبِّ إنّي ظَلَمْتُ نفسی فَاغْفِرلی

Early Kufic Calligraphy

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِیم

Ghyrawani Kufi Calligraphy

وَإِن يَكَادُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لَيُزْلِقُونَكَ بِأَبْصَٰرِهِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُواْ ٱلذِّكْرَ وَيَقُولُونَ إِنَّهُۥ لَمَجْنُونٌ

Cursive Nasta’liq Calligraphy

Multipurpose Design of Asma ul-Husna for Jewellery, Interior & Public Area

Jewellery Collection with Asma ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah)

As next collection we can have an unique Asma ul-Husna collection with 99 names of Allah in Holy Quran. As follow you can see again a few samples of our Asma ul-Husna collection.

We can go on and step by step design all 99 holy names of Allah with various calligraphies like following samples.

Name: Basir (All-Seeing) / بصیر

Conceptual Calligraphy

Name: Samie’ (All-Hearing) / سمیع

Calligraphy: Cursive Nast’liq

Name: Al-Qahhar (The Subduer) / القهار

Calligraphy: Conceptual Naskh

Name: Al-Wakil & Al-Hakim (The Lawyer & The Ruler) / الوکیل و الحاکم

Calligraphy: Decorative Kufi

Name: Dhul Jalal wal Ikram (The Lord of Glory and Honor) / ذوالجلال و الاکرام

Calligraphy: Kufi Banaee

Asma ul-Husna Collection for Interior

& Public Area Design

This unique multipurpose Islamic design which can combine the jewellery, interior and public design together, has not happened before.

Because of various activity of your honorable family, this multipurpose design in jewellery, interior and public design can be done under Al-Abbar brand. Al-Abbar enterprises can arrange an exhibition for interior & jewellery together. See please as follow the animation sample of such an exhibition.


Emaar supports Art & Culture in UAE

تدعم إعمار الفن والثقافة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Emaar Presents:

Islamic Art Exhibition

The Heritage and Beauty of Islamic & Arabic Calligraphy

throughout History

(Classic & Modern Styles)


Asma ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah)

: تقوم شركة إعمار بتنظيم وتقديم

معرض الفن الاسلامي

تراث و جمال الخط العربي الإسلامي عبر التاريخ

(الأنماط الكلاسيكية والحديثة)

: موضوع

أسماء الحسنى

Subject and Purpose of the Exhibition

The theme of the exhibition, as indicated by the title suggested above, is the presentation of unique sculptures with a variety of Islamic Arabic calligraphy and script that arose during the history of Islam in different geographical regions of the Islamic world. The intention is to show the heritage and diversity of Islamic calligraphy and its development in the holy names of Asma ul-Husna (the 99 blessed names of God in the Holy Quran) and related Quranic verses. Below, we will have a look at the animations and images of the most important part of the related artworks to get a better overall impression.

You can offer the artworks of this collection in the following ways:

– You can display these artworks inside or outside of different Emaar’s properties and buildings.

– You can offer these statues to government departments such as ministries, universities, etc.

– You can even expand and develop this current collection over time and add more Asma ul-Husna statues and sell this collection in the form of an exhibition or auction for a higher price when it is finished. That means you have your economic profit while also supporting and providing Islamic art in the community.

An Overview of the Exhibition

For this exhibition at the present time, 14 sculptures in different sizes could come into consideration. In the following three-minute animation, you can see the first 3D view of the exhibition to get an initial overall impression. Of course, over the time this unique collection can be enriched with more sculptures of Asma ul-Husna (other names of Allah). These 14 sculptures display currently 14 Asma ul-Husna in a 3D design as follows:

Introduction of the Art Works

As follow you can see animations and closer images of each of the 14 sculptures in different sizes which are designed for this exhibition at the present time. These are designed with different types of Islamic Arabic scripts and calligraphies from ancient times (early Islam) until present time, including Hijazi script, Early Kufi, Abbasid Mushafi, Naskh, Tholouth, Maqribi Kufi, Eastern Kufi, Diwani Kufi, Kufi Bnaie, types of decorative Kufi, Kufi Modern, Riyhan, Raqqa, Muhaqiq, Nast’aliq, Kursiv Nast’aliq, different kinds of conceptual, improvised and modern calligraphies.

All sculptures are made of high-quality stainless steel with grade 316, which has a guarantee of more than thirty years for indoor or outdoor use in humid weather. Dimension and weight of all sculptures are indicated too. More technical information can be provided later.

At the moment these sculptures are designed with 14 holy names of Allah (14 Asma ul-Husna). On demand we can expand this collection step by step and produce and add more holy names of Allah (from the list of  99 holy names from Asma ul-Husna series) in different styles of Islamic calligraphy. In the following we present current designs in large and small sizes.

1) The large statue of the two names “The Lawyer / الوکیل ” (Al-Wakil) and “The Ruler / الحاکم ” (Al-Hakim)

This statue is the largest sculpture of our collection and is about two verses of holy Quran which refer to two holy names of Allah, namely “The Lawyer” (Al-Wakil) and “The Ruler” (Al-Hakim). It can be registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest court hammer statue in the world (World’s Largest Gavel). Currently, the largest court hammer in America is 9 meters long and 3.5 meters high, made of steel, which you can see in the photo below. This hammer is located in front of the Ohio Judiciary building in the United States and was built in 2008.

Our designed hammer, which is completely decorated with Kufic calligraphy, will be twice as long as the American hammer, i.e. 18 meters long and nearly 6 meters high. This hammer can be purchased by a rich benefactor and donated as a gift to the city of Dubai and new building of Dubai Courts, because Dubai is always interested in breaking records in various fields such as art works, and naturally it will be welcomed.

Comparison of hammer size in America and Dubai (UAE)

The following two verses from the Holy Quran are written on the handle and head of the hammer. These two verses are written in decorative Kufi calligraphy and modern Thuluth Calligraphy.

وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَن تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْلِ

حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيل

We will also produce a sample in smaller dimension so that it can be placed as a smaller version in the interior of the court building.

2) The Asma ul-Husna Tulip

All 99 holy names of Allah (all Asma ul-Husna) are engraved on this golden tulip. This unique sculpture contains all 99 holy names in cursive Nast’aliq calligraphy and can be placed at the entrance of the exhibition.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 200 cm (L) x 120 cm (W)   

Weight: 200 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

3) Sculpture with the name of “Al-Rahman / الرحمان ” (The Most Gracious) & ” Al-Rahim / الرحیم ” (The Most Merciful)

This sculpture is the holy verse “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” which is written in Ghyrawani Kufi Calligraphy. We have another two holy names from Asma ul-Husna series in this verse, namely “Al-Rahman” (The Most Gracious) & “Al-Rahim” (The Most Merciful). The Ghyrawani Kufi is a calligraphy from the 3th – 5th Hijri century.

Size: 310 cm (H) x 200 cm (L) x 200 cm (W)

Weight: 130 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

4) Sculpture with the name of “Qafour / غفور ” (The Forgiver) & “Qaffar / غفار ” (The All-Forgiving)

This sculpture is the 16. holy verse of Surah Al-Qasas ” ربِّ إِنِّي ظَلَمۡتُ نَفۡسِي فَٱغۡفِرۡ لِي فَغَفَرَ لَهُۥٓۚ إِنَّهُۥ هُوَ ٱلۡغَفُورُ ٱلرَّحِيمُ” which is written in Early Kufi Calligraphy. The first part of the verse is written at the front side and the second part at the back side. We have another two holy names from Asma ul-Husna series in this verse, namely “Al-Qafour” (The Forgiver) & “Qaffar” (The All-Forgiving). These two holy names, written in Early Kufi Calligraphy, are placed in gold color at the left and right side of the sculpture. The Early Kufi is the calligraphy from the 2nd – 4th Hijri century.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 415 cm (L) x 240 cm (W)

Weight: 100 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

5) Sculpture with the name of ” ‘Adil / عادل ” (The Just)

The sculpture of ‘Adil can be one of the statues that can be considered together with the statue of the court hammer for one of the courts of Arab cities like Dubai. On the base of sculpture, like the court hammer statue, two verses of the Qur’an regarding God’s ruling and justice are written in Thuluth modern calligraphy. The holy name ‘Adil is written in decorative Kufi, a calligraphy from the 5th Hijri century.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 166 cm (W)

Weight: 250 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

6) Sculpture with the name of “Basir/ بصیر”(All-Seeing)

The type of calligraphy used for this sculpture is conceptual calligraphy. The idea is to write the holy God’s name “Basir” which means “All-Seeing” like the shape of an eye. And on the other hand, since we are talking about a vast and limitless “Seeing”, this eye is ultimately shaped like a galaxy.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 347 cm (W)

Weight: 450 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

7) Sculpture with the name of “Dhul Jalal Wal-Ikram /  ذواجلال و الاکرام” (The Lord of Glory and Honor)

The type of calligraphy used for this sculpture is Kufi Banaie calligraphy. This calligraphy is mainly used for construction designs from the end of the 5th Hijri century. On the surface of the sculpture, the illumination painting of the Fatimid dynasty has been designed in the form of laser cutting, which will have a special appearance and effect at night with colored lighting.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 240 cm (W)

Weight: 1100 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

8) Sculpture with the name of “Qahhar / قهار” (The Subduer)

The type of calligraphy used for this sculpture is some kind of visual Naskh calligraphy combined with conceptual design of dagger and sword.

Size: 270 cm (H) x 205 cm (L) x 40 cm (W)

Weight: 110 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

9) Sculpture with the holy name of “Samee’ / سمیع” (The All-Hearing)

The type of calligraphy used for this sculpture is cursive Nasta’liq calligraphy. The holy Samee’s name in science of Abjad letters is equal to 180, so the sound wave and vibration design as the base of this statue consists of 180 plates.

Size: 300 cm (H) x 200 cm (W)

Weight: 900 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

10) Sculpture with the name of holy “Samee’ / سمیع” (The All-Hearing) / 2. Version

The type of calligraphy used for this 2. version of Samee’ sculpture is Naskh. The base is again designed as a sound wave and vibration.


Size: 300 cm (H) x 260 cm (W)

Weight: 1400 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

11) Sculpture with the holy name of “Jameel / جمیل” (The Most Beautiful)

The type of calligraphy used for Jameel sculpture is cursive Nasta’liq.


Size: 300 cm (H) x 330 cm (W)

Weight: 450 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

12) Sculpture with the holy name of “Kafi / کافی” (The Sufficient)

The type of calligraphy used for Kafi sculpture is a combination of Kufi and Nast’liq.


Size: 300 cm (H) x 260 cm (W)

Weight: 200 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

13) Sculpture with the name of “’Alim / عالم” (The All Knowing)

The type of calligraphy used for ‘Alim sculpture is decorative Kufi. Again here on the surface of the sculpture, the illumination painting of the Fatimid dynasty has been designed in the form of laser cutting, which will have a special appearance and effect at night with colored lighting.


Size: 300 cm (H) x 165 cm (W)

Weight: 300 kgs

Material: Stainless Steel 316

Future Plan

Large Asma ul-Husna Statues for Public Art

As you can see in the designs above, the sculptures considered for this exhibition are mostly 3.00 meters high. In the future we could produce these sculptures in larger dimensions for public outdoor space. The animation of such large sculptures of Asma ul-Husna, which you see below, can be exposed as public art in various Arab cities, where millions of people will see and enjoy this kind of Islamic art for many years. As follow a few of them as example:


1) Sculpture with the name of ” ‘Adil / عادل ” (The Just)

2) Sculpture with the name of “Basir  /  بصیر” (All Seeing)

3) Sculpture with the name of “Dhul Jalal Wal-Ikram /  ذواجلال و الاکرام” (The Lord of Glory and Honor)

4) Sculpture with the holy name of “Samee’  /  سمیع” (The All-Hearing)

5) Sculpture with the name of holy “Samee’  /  سمیع” (The All-Hearing)  /  2. Version

6) Sculpture with the holy name of “Jameel  /  جمیل” (The Most Beautiful)

7) Sculpture with the holy name of “Kafi  /  کافی” (The Sufficient)

8) Sculpture with the name of “’Alim  /  عالم” (The All Knowing)

Design by

Luxury Unique Artworks LLC (Dubai)

Registered Design!

© 2023 – All Rights Reserved by Luxury Unique Artworks LLC.

 (Reg.-No.: 990270)


© 2006-2023 Luxury Unique Artworks LLC
Licensed by DED Dubai / License No.: 990720
All Rigths Reserved!

Originally started in Germany in 2006, Unique Arts company consists of a group of distinguished and renowned international artists from USA, Europe and Asia in the field of residential interior design and public art installations & sculptures. We produce luxury and unique handmade art works with design of your choice, in different materials and in various sizes for Indoor & Outdoor.
  • 17th Floor, IRIS BAY TOWER, Business Bay, Burj Khalifa District (P.O.Box: 340746)
  • Dubai – United Arab Emirates
  • +971 561 138 418
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