Marble Sculptures (Public Art)
Marble is a translucent stone with a mellow “glow” that allows light to pass through it. It is a derivative of limestone and a metamorphic stone that can be polished in a high level. It is soft, which make it easier to sculpt. These characteristics make it a popular material for sculpting (some of the world’s most famous sculptures are made of it) and usage in prestige architecture and interior design. There are worldwide countless types of marbles.
Marble occurs in a very wide range of colors. Marble formed from the purest limestones is white in color. Iron oxide impurities in the limestone will produce a yellow, orange, pink or red color. Clay minerals can produce gray colors that often occur in bands after the compositional stratification of the original limestone. Dark gray to black marble can be made from abundant bituminous sources. Serpentine-containing marble is frequently green in color.
As follow you can see a selection of outdoor marble sculptures. We can produce your unique design, in any size and style for your public spaces. For price quotation please send us your inquiry.

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