Home / Indoor Art / Modern Arabic Calligraphy Art / The Night of Destiny
Quranic Verses Series: “Laylat ul-Qadr“ (The Night of Destiny/Honor) |
• Title: “Laylat ul-Qadr“ (The Night of Destiny/Honor)
• Subject: Holy Quran; Verse 1-5 from Sura Al-Qadr
• Code: Quranic-SA-03
• Font Name: Suls
• Material: Handmade Acrylic on Canvas
• Size: 200 cm x 200 cm
• Date of Creation: Nov. 2021
• Artist: Noora (20 years Experience)
• Note: Bigger sizes possible!
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Written Text:
In the dark part which is related to „Night/Darkness“:
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ ﴿۱﴾
We sent this (the Holy Koran) down on the Night of Honor.
وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ ﴿۲﴾
What could let you know what the Night of Honor is!
And in the middle blue golden circle which indicates the descent of Angles and Spirit (Light) is written:
لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ ﴿۳﴾
The Night of Honor is better than a thousand months,
تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ ﴿۴﴾
in it the angels and the Spirit (Gabriel) descend by the permission of their Lord upon every command.
سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ ﴿۵﴾
Peace it is, till the break of dawn.