الظُّلْمُ (ظَلَمْتُ نفسی)
Self-harm (Oppression)
قال الله تبارک و تعالی
«وَما ظَلَمُونا وَ لكِنْ كانُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُون»
“And they did not wrong us, but they were wronging themselves!”
(Holy Quran: 2/57)
Stainless Steel Mirror / Stainless Steel Honed
Height of the human sculpture: 12.00 meters (1200 cm)
Height of the base:
2.00 meters (200 cm)
Total height: 14.00 meters
Width: 3.7 meters (370 cm)
Length: 6.70 meters (670 cm)
Weight: 4500 kgs (4.5 tons)
Material: Stainless Steel 316
Thickness: 3mm
Modern Improvised Calligraphy
وَ ما ظَلَمُونا وَ لكِنْ كانُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ
Height: 7.60 meters (760 cm)
Length: 14.50 meters (1450 cm)
Width: 4.20 meters (420 cm)
Weight: 7600 kgs (7.6 tons)
Material: Stainless Steel 316
Thickness: 3mm
The Head of the “Hammer Man” Sculpture
In this design we have created a human sculpture like a hammer which is driving nails into its own body. The hits with the head relates to imperfect and relative perceptions and thoughts of the man which are mostly faulty and wrong especially in the state of imbalance. This self-harm is an Oppression that man inflicts on himself, mostly without being aware of it.
The Nails
The nails hammered into the body represent man’s exaggerated characters that throw him off balance. Negative attributes and behaviors such as jealousy, stinginess, lying, hypocrisy, resentment, blasphemy, sadness, despair, laziness, addiction, corruption, distraction, etc. Man must know that he can be able to improve these negative traits through balance and heal and improve himself and he is the only one who can help himself.
The Hand Posture
The real change, improvement and salvation of man should come from within and not from without. External things bind people much more, hence the pose of the hands in our sculpture branches backwards, indicating man’s powerlessness towards of this slavery. The true slavery of man takes place first through his own thoughts from within and then in his outside world. If he doesn’t change, he will become a prisoner and slave of his own negative character and attitudes.
The Golden Part of the Sculpture
A part of the sculpture is in golden color, namely the part of the heart, the ear and the back of the head. These parts are pointed to man’s salvation and improvement. The main mistake and fallacy is that man relies only on the power of his mental perceptions and superficial feelings, which are mostly relative and false (unverified). But if he returns to his heart, which is the source of true life and knowledge (inspiration and revelation), he will take the right path and come back. The straight path which prophets and their real followers have followed. It will open the eyes and the ears so that man can absorb and implement the reforms and improvements. It is emphasized here again that the means of healing are again within the human being and it is in his/her own hands.
Design by
Luxury Unique Artworks LLC (Dubai)
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